Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Friday, October 12, 2012

Hello world, how are you? Good I hope. So, what do you think about our current choice for persident? Good? Bad? Neither? I understand that no matter who we choose to be president it Really wont make A Big difference, because the persident dont make ALL the decisions. Its congress and the senate who choose, the president is a figure head, who says yes or veto, so can we honestly say one is better than the other????? so much more could be said, but ill leave it at that. :-) Well,I just pray that the economy gets back on its feet, and makes a difference for us ALL, not just the filthy rich ( who can get unemployment, what a joke ), if i was a millioniare i would be embarrest to even try to get unemployment, if it was owed to me or not. Taking money from the people who need it is just sick. that what unemployment is, its a helping hand to those who need it. I realize that we all pay into it, but, who really "needs" it more??? You might wonder why a parts counterman is writing about such stuff, well, it matters to us all. We all live in america,pay taxes,work hard and we all matter, all of us From the president to us lonely Parts People (politicly correct LOL), and if you think about it, it affects us all in sooo many ways,from the price of gas to the price of chicken, we all struggle to keep our heads above the water and we all know what it feels like to go paycheck to paycheck.

Monday, September 17, 2012


Working in the Auto Parts business is not a very easy job, people do not want to spend money on their vechiles, and they really dont save any money to do so. People like to go shopping for many things but unexpected expenditures are always a pain in the pocketbook. Bills always arise at the most inopportune time, either when we are broke or havent got any extra money put away for them in the fisrt place. So what happens is the person comes in the store all ready upset,cause he has to spend money that he dont have to spend, then of course he knows more than i do (so he believes) and then he get an attitude about it ( like its my fault ) cause i dont have the part and he has to go to the dealer, Or i do have it and the price drives him even more upset. Well as you can see its not always the funnest job, but sometimes it has its rewards, there are those far and few in between that make it worth all the effort. You'll see the honestly nice person, the Gratefull person, and at times youll be changing out a battery for an elderly person, or changing out a headlight for a very pretty lady ( realy rare ), and as always, as soon as it starts to rain youll get the "can you change my wipers, please" in the pouring rain, Well what can you say but Of course.

Auto parts..........The Counterman

Hi, this is my very first blog, so please be kind.

What i would like to convey to the general public is the man behind the counter, not all parts counterman are the same and not all are as knowledgeable as the next, but one factor is the same no matter where you shop, we are people just like you. We understand that buying an auto part is not what you really want to spend your money on, your vehicle is broke down, it's late, you need to finish in time because you have to get to work and it's probably your only ride. We as counterman realize this and we realize your frustration, BUT, Please treat us with respect, the same respect that you demand we also require. Any sales person that you deal with is more likely to help you when you are NICE, more that when you are demanding and rude!

For some reason we tend to forget this in an auto parts store, all we can focus on is getting our part fast and RIGHT the first time, we don't want to wait, we don't want to be hassled, we want it NOW, Forgetting that the person behind the counter is just like us. The old adage is right even till this day "you get more bee's with honey than with vinegar", I'm not saying that counterman are a bunch of pansies, but we work harder for those that treat us better!!

I remember many of counterman saying to the customer (that is rude) "ill get that right away" and seeing them in the back using the restroom, or just standing around and saying to me " I'm just letting that jerk wait!" . Don't act so surprised, do you really think that someone will go out of their way for someone that is rude, swearing, and belittling people? Not too many will, no matter where you go, Auto parts, Department stores or anywhere. we in the retail business work hard and do our best to respect ALL people, can the consumer say the same about us??????????

A lot more to follow..........................

Rodog.......the lonely counterman........of 16 years.......