Friday, October 12, 2012

Hello world, how are you? Good I hope. So, what do you think about our current choice for persident? Good? Bad? Neither? I understand that no matter who we choose to be president it Really wont make A Big difference, because the persident dont make ALL the decisions. Its congress and the senate who choose, the president is a figure head, who says yes or veto, so can we honestly say one is better than the other????? so much more could be said, but ill leave it at that. :-) Well,I just pray that the economy gets back on its feet, and makes a difference for us ALL, not just the filthy rich ( who can get unemployment, what a joke ), if i was a millioniare i would be embarrest to even try to get unemployment, if it was owed to me or not. Taking money from the people who need it is just sick. that what unemployment is, its a helping hand to those who need it. I realize that we all pay into it, but, who really "needs" it more??? You might wonder why a parts counterman is writing about such stuff, well, it matters to us all. We all live in america,pay taxes,work hard and we all matter, all of us From the president to us lonely Parts People (politicly correct LOL), and if you think about it, it affects us all in sooo many ways,from the price of gas to the price of chicken, we all struggle to keep our heads above the water and we all know what it feels like to go paycheck to paycheck.